Romany Gypsy and Traveller books, language, cards, postcards, maths activities leaflets, games and quizzes
I have the honour to be president of the Romany and Traveller Family History Society; former Treasurer of the Derbyshire Gypsy Liaison Group; was a member of the now defunct National Association of Teachers of Travellers; a member of the Romani Association of Australia (honorary); member of Romany Roots and other related organizations; a former member of the British and current member of the American Gypsy Lore Societies (I joined the former at age 13); former member the Romani Union (honorary) and the Essex based Gypsy Council (GCECWCR).
It takes a great deal of outlay to publish a book and usually several years to break even- if at all - and resources come entirely from my own pocket. I publish very few books in consequence and do not publish Traveller poetry or fiction at all, however deserving. I am only interested in factual books which break new ground in some way.
Please browse the 'Books' section.
I welcome Local Authority orders, and many of my booklets and specialist material is to be found in libraries and schools.